For over thirty years the First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies (FAI) has sponsored, as a school, educational programs that incorporate an underlying integrative triune theme. This included more than twenty years of FAI organizing annual seminars at Loyola University Chicago focusing on the Personality Enneagram. The Enneagram encompasses nine different personality types represented by the numbers 1 through 9 circularly unified around three triangular centers at 3, 6 and 9, which can also be viewed as a "3, 6 & 9 Triune" convergence or the essence of "Triune Consciousness". Notably, the Personality Enneagram assumes the natural tendency for humans is to be regressively egocentric in approaching this process of convergence, which they must constantly work to overcome. Given the strong growth in the population of those who embrace the Personality Enneagram, FAI decided to explore the possibility that it has an evolutionary genetic origin which essentially serves as the curriculum for this website.

This search first led to the Genetic Code, which is the Rosetta Stone for interpreting the DNA blueprint that has been used to construct all living organisms. FAI found the Genetic Code could also be represented by an enneagram-like format emulating the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" and thereby extending the concept of "Triune Consciousness" to the Genetic Code. Unexpectedly, this novel representation of the Genetic Code proved to be useful as a discovery framework facilitating new scientific insights, such as the unique synergy of combining vitamins A and D to address epithelial-based diseases including cancers and other immune disorders. To determine the efficacy and safety of this readily available treatment, FAI has initiated, advised and sponsored research/educational programs at the University of Illinois, Chicago and the University of Chicago. The ongoing results have been sufficiently encouraging to warrant publishing in four issues of Harvard's peer-reviewed journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease (see pages 14-20).

Having uncovered the resonance of "Triune Consciousness" in the Genetic Code and the Personality Enneagram, FAI turned to the intervening four billion years to search for other evolutionary phenomena that emulate the "3, 6 & 9 Triune". Only Neurons, the Human Brain, and Language Formation qualified. Moreover, these three phenomena, when collectively viewed as constituting the Human Mind, also recursively emulate the "3, 6 & 9 Triune". As such, they could be perceived as expanding "Triune Consciousness" to evolution's physiological culmination (see pages 21-25).

FAI then looked at the ten billion years preceding the evolution of the Genetic Code. It found two other evolutionary phenomena emulate the "3, 6 & 9 Triune": the Elementary Building Blocks of Matter/Energy and the Building Blocks of the Hindu-Arabic Numbering System, which plays a unique role in understanding evolution (see pages 4-14). When these two phenomena along with the Genetic Code are collectively viewed as Evolution's Elementary Building Blocks, they also recursively emulate the "3, 6 & 9 Triune", further enlarging the envelope of "Triune Consciousness".

After identifying evolution's elementary building blocks and evolution's physiological culmination as the human mind, FAI began the search for other phenomena that, together with the Personality Enneagram, could individually and collectively emulate the "3, 6 & 9 Triune". These phenomena could be interpreted as evolution's psychological culmination, all within the scope of "Triune Consciousness". Given that the Personality Enneagram assumes humans have a natural tendency to be regressively egocentric, FAI concentrated on remedial phenomena that evolved to cope with this regressiveness. It found two: the tri-Abrahamic faith traditions when viewed as a totality and the meditative process underlying the Hindu-Buddhist faith traditions. Since these faith traditions collectively encompass about three-quarters of the world's population, they could constitute evolutionary proportions. We note FAI has repeatedly tested the synergies of tri-Abrahamic dialogue in addressing important topics by sponsoring and organizing seminars with this focus for over a decade at the Catholic Theological Union and more recently at the Islamic Cultural Center of Greater Chicago, the North Shore Congregation Israel, the Lumen Christi Institute at the University of Chicago, the Children of Abraham Coalition, the Chicago Theological Seminary, as well as the Fracture of The Century film festival in Ecuador. Likewise, the synergy of the unique "3, 6 & 9 Triune" meditative focus, versus more conventional meditative focal points, can be personally tested through its efficacy in overcoming common sleep problems (see pages 29-31).

As laid out in the Table of Contents, which follows an evolutionary chronology, these three sets of three phenomena form a third iteration recursively emulating the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" to represent evolution's grand culmination of "Triune Consciousness". However, these nine phenomena are explained at only the most elementary level, with just enough detail to illustrate their emulation of the "3, 6 & 9 Triune". Possibly the best summation of this idea is a quote attributed to the famous scientist / inventor and disruptive visionary, Nikola Tesla, "If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe". Tesla even incorporated multiples of 3 into the structure of his daily routine.

Applying the ultimate simplification of the mechanism underlying the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" on a non-evolultionary scale is addressed in the Addendum. The first such effort focuses on capacity building of Indigenous Peoples, beginning with the Cofan of Amazonian Ecuador, to help them strengthen their individual and collective capacity to protect their culture and territory.

Recognition for FAI's role in co-leading the above programs has been provided by the Illinois Venture Capital Association with its Richard J. Daley Award, by the Arab-American Business & Professional Association of Illinois with its Outstanding Humanitarian Award, and by the Council of Religious Leaders of Metropolitan Chicago with its Interreligious Leadership Award. Also noteworthy, the groundbreaking research, referenced in the Genetic Code discoussion, received a Nobel Prize in 2022 (see footnote on pages 18-19).

Last update: 10/15/2024

First Analysis Institute of Integrative Studies (1 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 3900 - Chicago, IL 60606) is a school that admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the Institute. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.
Contact: F. Oliver Nicklin



Since the Hindu-Arabic numbering system has played a unique role in the mathematics associated with evolution, we begin our search for the hidden “Triune Consciousness” by examining the attributes of this system. First, it is the most efficient numbering system as it requires the fewest symbols to represent numbers. Second, by being based on ten digits (0-9), and thus a decimal system, its applicability is unusually flexible.

While other numbering systems are based on increments of 10, the Hindu-Arabic system positions its digits in such a way that each multi-digit number can be added and re-added to form a repeating pattern of single-digit equivalents (i.e., 1-9), as shown below in Figure 1. Specifically, the multiple-digit number 10 can be summed to 1+0=1, 11 to 1+1=2, 12 to 1+2=3, and so forth. As a result, when Hindu-Arabic numbers are arranged sequentially around a set of concentric circles, the single-digit equivalents or digital roots of each number form a spoke-like pattern, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Consecutive Hindu-Arabic numbers reduce to concentric circles of nine single-digit sums or single-digit equivalents (a.k.a. digital roots)

In other words, any multi-digit Hindu-Arabic number (that is not an endlessly repeating irrational decimal) can be expressed as one of the nine single-digit equivalents (a.k.a. digital roots, i.e., 1-9) that forms the innermost circle in Figure 1, which is repeated in Figure 2 below. For consistency, all of this figure's digits are evenly spaced geometrically because they are evenly spaced numerically (i.e., in increments of 1).

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Figure 2. Circle of nine single-digit equivalents, 1-9

Also, by expressing all multi-digit numbers as single-digit equivalents (1 through 9), we can check basic arithmetic relationships between two Hindu-Arabic numbers involving addition, subtraction, division, and multiplication. To do so, we re-express arithmetic relationships between any two numbers as the same arithmetic relationships between their single-digit equivalents. Consider the numbers 11 and 34. The single-digit equivalents for these numbers are 2 and 7: 1+1=2 and 3+4=7. Note the arithmetic relationship of addition between these two numbers is 11+34=45. The single-digit equivalent of this sum is 4+5=9. This is exactly the answer from performing the same arithmetic operation ‐ addition ‐ on the single-digit equivalents of our original numbers: 2+7=9. Figure 3 provides several examples of this process.

Figure 3. Using single-digit equivalents to check simple arithmetic

While simple arithmetic relationships involving addition, subtraction, and multiplication between multi-digit numbers can be expressed in terms of the same arithmetic relationships between their single-digit equivalents (1-9), only a limited portion of the

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arithmetic relationships involving division can be similarly expressed. However, division can be checked by reversing the operation through multiplication

This overall process can be further simplified by casting out digits that sum to 9 before establishing the single-digit equivalents. For example, in Figure 3, the 9 in 49 could have been cast out and the single-digit equivalent of 49 would still be 4. Thus, this process has become known as “casting out nines”.

In sum, the nine single-digit equivalents making up Figure 2 can effectively represent the entire Hindu-Arabic numbering system for basic arithmetic purposes.

3 ‐ “interactive enabler”

The 3, 6 and 9 triangle in Figure 4 below is intended to illustrate that of the nine digits (i.e., 1-9) from Figure 2, 3 can only divide into 3, 6 and 9 and produce a single-digit equivalent answer without an endlessly repeating decimal. As a result, 3, 6 and 9 also cannot divide into any of the other six digits and produce a single-digit equivalent answer. Said another way, as the “interactive” common divisor of only 3, 6 and 9, 3 “enables” their differentiating indivisibility into the other six digits. Because of this “unifying” differentiation of the “3, 6 and 9 triangle”, it will be referred to as the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. 3 as the “interactive enabler” of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”

Also, three represents the number of digits in the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” which, as we saw, was “interactively enabled” by 3. Further, note that the average value (expressed as a single-digit equivalent) of every pair of digits in the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” is always equal to the other or third digit which also spatially bisects the respective pair on the circle of nine digits in Figure 4. For example, the 3 and 9 pair of digits have an average value of 6 [i.e., (3+9)/2 = 12/2 = 6], which is the third digit of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” and also spatially bisects the 3 and 9 pair on the circle of nine digits, as shown below in Figure 4a. As a result, 3 and 9 can be viewed as capable of emulating 6.

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Figure 4a. 6 is the single-digit equivalent average and symmetrical bisector of the 3-9 pair, thus making the latter capable of emulating the former

Importantly, the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” shares this axiom of spatial symmetry with every possible pair of digits in Figure 4 in that the average value of any pair (expressed as a single-digit equivalent) is always equal to the digit that spatially or symmetrically bisects the respective pair, thus making the latter capable of emulating the former. For example, the 8 and 5 pair of digits in Figure 5 below has an average single-digit equivalent value of 2 [i.e., (8+5)/2 = 13/2 = 6.5 => 6+5 = 11=> 1+1 = 2], which also spatially or symmetrically bisects the 8 and 5 pair on the circle of nine digits. To recap, the symmetrically bisecting process of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” that was “interactively enabled” by 3 is valid throughout the sequential nine-digit circle. Also, as noted, this circle of nine sequential single-digit equivalents can arithmetically substitute for all Hindu-Arabic numbers, as was illustrated in Figure 1.

Figure 5. 2 is the single-digit equivalent average and the symmetrical bisector of the 8-5 pair, thus making the latter capable of emulating the former

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6 ‐ “integrative guidance”

Like 3, 6 is a member of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, but six also represents the number of digits that are not part of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8) in the circle of nine single-digit equivalents. Thus, it falls upon 6 to provide “guidance” for “integrating” the six digits outside the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” (i.e., the non-triune digits) with the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits. Since it was shown above that the symmetrical bisecting process of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” is valid throughout the sequential nine-digit circle, the six non-triune digits can be viewed as three different pairs symmetrically bisected by the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits for a total of nine bracketing pairs, as shown below in Figure 6. Thus, the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits serve as the single-digit equivalent averages and symmetrical bisectors of the bracketing 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8 non-triune digits. As such, we can view the six non-triune digits as capable of emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits through the nine bracketing pairs, according to the “integrative guidance” represented by 6.

Figure 6. The SIX non-triune digits (1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8) are capable of emulating the THREE triune digits (3, 6 and 9) through the NINE bracketing pairs.

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Since 6 represents the “integrative guidance” whereby the six non-triune digits can emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits, 6 is shown as such in Figure 7 below.

Figure 7. 6 representing “integrative guidance” in the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”

9 ‐ “encompassing unifier”

As the largest of the nine digits (1-9), 9 can be viewed as “encompassing” the mathematical totality of all the digits. This means that the single-digit equivalent of the totality of all conceivable numbers cannot exceed 9. Said another way, it is impossible to conceive of a multi-digit number so large that its single-digit equivalent is greater than 9. Also, because 9 is the largest digit, it cannot be increased in size no matter how large the multiplier may be, so long as the result is always expressed as a single-digit equivalent. For example, 99,999….. X 99,999….. will ultimately yield a single-digit equivalent product of 9, regardless of the number of 9's included in the numbers being multiplied. Note, any number multiplied by 9 always produces a single-digit equivalent product of 9.

Also, as we know from casting out 9's, when 9 is added to or subtracted from any number, the same single-digit equivalent is always produced.

Since 9's totality “encompassingly unifies” all Hindu-Arabic numbers, 9 is referred to as the “encompassing unifier”, thereby completing the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” that has been shown to underlie the nine single-digit equivalents, which in turn are capable of representing all Hindu-Arabic numbers for basic arithmetic purposes, as presented below in Figure 8. In other words, Figure 8 illustrates the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” as the essence of “Triune Consciousness” hiding within the Hindu-Arabic numbering system.

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Figure 8. The “Triune Consciousness” hidden within the Hindu-Arabic numbering system

A concluding analysis of all the possible permutations for pairing the nine digits (1 – 9), as laid out below in Figure 8a, further confirms the unique roles played by the triune quantities of three, six and nine.

First, the three triune digits are presented below as “interactively enabling” the three pairs forming the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. Consistently, 3 was shown earlier to be associated with the “interactive enabler”.

Secondly, the six non-triune digits (1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8) are presented below facilitating 33 additional pairs (1-2, 1-3, 1-4, 1-5, 1-6, 1-7, 1-8, 1-9, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, etc.) and thus providing “integrative guidance” as they surround and thus bring focus to the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. Appropriately, these 33 pairs can be presented as the single-digit equivalent of 6 (i.e., 3 + 3) which was shown earlier to be associated with “integrative guidance”.

Finally, the grand total of 36 pairs “encompassingly unifies” both the three triune and 33 non-triune pairs. Fittingly, these 36 pairs can be presented as the single-digit equivalent of 9 (i.e., 3 + 6) which was shown earlier to be associated with the “encompassing unifier”.

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Figure 8a. All the permutations for pairing the nine digits (1-9)


Evolution's elementary building blocks of matter/energy consist of two types of matter (i.e., quarks and leptons) and four types of energy (i.e., gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces). As the labels suggest, these six elementary building blocks divide into three complementary pairs: two relating to matter, two relating to nuclear forces, and a third grouping of gravity and electromagnetism. Since we are focusing on evolutionary order overcoming a hostile environment favoring disorder according to the universal Second Law of Thermodynamics, we exclude the dark universe of dark matter and dark energy, but focus on the lit universe after it began to stabilize a few hundred thousand years following the Big Bang which occurred about 13.8 billion years ago.

9 ‐ Quarks and leptons emulating the “encompassing unifier”

Both quarks and leptons come in six flavors; however, four of these flavors primarily apply to the early development stages before the universe stabilized.

In the case of quarks, the two flavors that characterize the most stabilized universe, the up and down quarks, make up all neutrons and protons to form the nucleus of every atom.

The stabilized leptons are represented by electrons and electron neutrinos. Leptons represent the smallest quantities of matter and probably the smallest quantities of energy when expressed as energy equivalents. Electron clouds go around the atomic nuclei, which in turn form the central core around which all molecular matter is built. As such, the combined quark mass essentially represents the mass of all atomic and/or molecular matter.

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Since the quark and lepton building blocks form the core around which all the matter of our entire lit or non-dark universe is “encompassingly unified”, they can be analogized to emulate the all “encompassing unifier” of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” hidden in the Hindu-Arabic numbering system in Figure 8 above. Accordingly, Figure 9 presents the quarks and leptons as bracketing the “encompassing unifier” at the 9 position with the heavy quarks on the 8 side of 9 and the lightweight leptons on the 1 side of 9.

Figure 9. Quarks and leptons emulating the “encompassing unifier”

3 - Gravity and electromagnetism emulating the "interactive enabler"

Gravity is the long-range force that can "interactively" attract the other building blocks of matter/energy based on their collective mass equivalency. Gravity "enables" the order and flexibility that holds together various counterbalancing facets of matter/energy throughout the universe (including the dark universe). On the other hand, the electromagnetic force can be viewed as electrically "interacting" to consolidate the various building blocks of matter/energy to "enable" sufficient mass equivalency for the gravitational force to have impact. This involves "interactively" consolidating the five non-gravitational building blocks of matter/energy. Thus, the electromagnetic and gravitational forces are complementary, emulating the "interactive enabler" at the 3 position of the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" hidden in the Hindu-Arabic numbering system, as presented below in Figure 10. Also, electromagnetism's role is not limited to the molecular or sub-molecular scale as it can "interact" throughout the universe from the smallest dimension to the large cosmic scale. Given the multifaceted role for electromagnetism versus the more focused role of graviry, they are shown bracketing the "interactive enabler" on the 4 and 2 sides of 3, respectively in Figure 10. Also reinforcing the above analysis, gravity and electromagnetism travel at the same velocity of approximately 3 billion centimeters per second.

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Figure 10. Gravity and the electromagnetic force emulating the “interactive enabler”

6 ‐ The strong and weak nuclear forces emulating “integrative guidance”

The strong force's binding of quarks can be viewed from two perspectives. First, the strong force binds individual quarks to form protons, neutrons, and other groupings. Second, it binds protons and neutrons to form the nuclei of atoms. The bond between individual quarks becomes so tenacious that isolated quarks have never been observed, naturally or artificially. On the other hand, when viewed from the second perspective, the bond between groups of quarks (e.g., protons and neutrons) is broken naturally and artificially. From an overarching standpoint, the strong nuclear force serves as the “conceptual initiator” of the world of molecular matter/energy by binding together the quarks directly and indirectly as protons and neutrons to form the nuclei of all atoms.

When the weak nuclear force interacts with quarks, leptons are released, which disrupts and transforms the quarks' defining flavors (i.e., up to down and vice versa). By “redefining” quarks, the associated atomic nuclei must be commensurately disrupted and “redefined” (i.e., neutrons to protons), which also dictates a corresponding “redefinition” of any associated atomic and molecular structures. When viewing this release of leptons from a stellar level, the weak force can counterbalance the gravitationally induced collapse of a star, causing it to explode and thus be disruptively “redefined” as a supernova star.

Given the strong nuclear force's role as the “conceptual initiator” of the world of nuclear matter/energy and the weak nuclear force's role as the “redefiner” of this same world, we can consider these two short-range nuclear forces to be the “integrative guidance” at the 6 position of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. In view of the contractive and expansive characteristics of the strong and weak forces, they are shown bracketing the “integrative

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guidance's” 6 position on the 5 and 7 sides, respectively, thus completing the three pairs of elementary building blocks of matter/energy emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, as presented below in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Incorporating the strong and weak nuclear forces to complete the three pairs of elementary building blocks of matter/energy emulating the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" and correspondingly expanding the scope of “Triune Consciousness”

Also included in Figure 11 are the fine structure constant (α), the speed of light (c) and (π) which are derived in the Appendix to characterize the emulation of the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" and thus incorporated into “Triune Consciousness”(see page 37).


The DNA mechanism was discovered in 1953, and the chemical blueprint, called the “Genetic Code”, through which DNA translates into the proteins to build all living organisms was not understood until 1961. In effect, the Genetic Code is the Rosetta Stone for interpreting DNA.

DNA macro-molecules are made from four repeating groups of atoms called nucleotides (i.e., U, C, A and G), and the proteins making up all living organisms draw from twenty amino acids. The Genetic Code simply governs the translation between the four nucleotides and twenty amino acids, as shown below in Figure 12.

Since only three sequential nucleotides (called a codon) are required to specify an amino acid, the Genetic Code provides for only three nucleotide positions in Figure 12 (i.e., the two sides and top), which also categorizes the repeating amino acids into six color-coded groups according to their molecular structures and their most elementary functions common to all living organisms. The Genetic Code probably first appeared around 4 billion years ago; however, its scientific origin remains a mystery.

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Figure 12. The Genetic Code with the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” superimposed

To simplify matters, Figure 13 provides a schematic illustration of the six groups of amino acids that constitute the Genetic Code, bracketing the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.

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Figure 13. The six groups of amino acids, which constitute the Genetic Code, bracketing the "3, 6 & 9 Triune"

3 ‐ “interactive enabler”

As explained above, each sequence of 3 successive nucleotides (called a codon) on the coding portion of the DNA molecule “interactively” translates to one of 20 standard amino acids used to “enable” the construction of proteins. Hence, 3 represents the “interactive enabler” underlying the coding portion of the DNA molecule, which in turn underlies the entire Genetic Code because every codon constituting the coding portion of the DNA molecule is based on 3. Since the 3 successive nucleotides forming each codon always draw from the same 4 nucleotides (i.e., U, C, A and G), 43 (64) total codons make up the Genetic Code, further illustrating 3's role as the “interactive enabling” exponential power.

Three positions of nucleotides are required to complete each codon, represented by the two side and top labels of the Genetic Code in Figure 12, with the number 3 associated with the third nucleotide (or right-side) position. Of the three nucleotide positions, this third position

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has four times the nucleotide “interactivity” (16 versus 4) of the other two positions as measured by the number of times the U, C, A and G nucleotide labels are repeated, which best reflects the above “interactive enabler” role of 3.

The two groups in Figure 13 bracketing and emulating 3 as the “interactive enabler” are the interconnecting amino acids and the acidic amino acids. The interconnecting amino acids, shown with a yellow background in Figure 12, consist of glycine, serine, lysine, threonine, and proline. They represent 20 codons, or a single-digit equivalent of 2 (i.e., 20 => 2+0 = 2), thus bracketing 3 on its 2 side in Figure 13. The acidic amino acids, shown with a blue background in Figure 12, consist of glutamic acid and aspartic acid. They represent 4 codons, thus bracketing 3 on its 4 side in Figure 13.

The interconnecting amino acids tend to have a significantly above-average representation (relative to their representation within the Genetic Code) in proteins which primarily serve to “interactively” connect or relate various components to “enable” the beautiful totality of organisms. They include collagen in bones and tendons, elastin in blood vessels and ligaments, fibrinogen and fibronectin interconnecting cells, trypsin binding ingested proteins, and fibroin in cocoons. [It's notable that as a common denominator vitamin C seems to synergistically support all of these proteins as they age.]

Turning to the acidic amino acids, they reversibly “interact” with ammonia to extract and return nitrogen, thereby “enabling” the nitrogen-based biochemistry so crucial to all organisms. In sum, both the interconnecting and acidic amino acid groups functionally emulate 3 as the “interactive enabler” within the “3, 6, & 9 Triune” in Figure 13.

9 ‐ “encompassing unifier”

It might seem that the "encompassing unifier" role of the Genetic Code is best conveyed by the totality of the above 64 or (43) codons making up the Genetic Code. However, the methionine codon shown with the white background in Figure 12 must be excluded from this “encompassing unifier” role. Unlike the other 63 codons, the methionine codon is not specifically programmed for each protein in each organism but serves as a generic initiator of the codon series for all proteins in general. In other words, the other 63 codons, with an appropriate single-digit equivalent of 9 (i.e., 63 => 6 + 3 = 9), specify for each protein in each organism and thus can collectively represent the “encompassing unifier” role.

Regarding the three positions of nucleotides required to complete each codon, as represented by the two side and top labels of the Genetic Code in Figure 12, 9 is associated with the second nucleotide (or top) position. Since the first and third nucleotide positions represent overlapping horizontal rows in Figure 12, only the second position representing vertical columns can “encompassingly unify” the overlapping horizontal roles. Also, the extensive presence of repetitive codons, which repeat primarily along the vertical columns, should be “encompassed” by the “unifying totality” of 9.

The two groups in Figure 13 bracketing and emulating 9 as the “encompassing unifier” are the aliphatic amino acids and the amino acid amides. The aliphatic amino acids, shown

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with a red background in Figure 12, consist of alanine, valine, leucine, and isoleucine, representing 17 codons with a single-digit equivalent of 8 (i.e., 17 =>1+7 = 8), thus bracketing 9 on its 8 side in Figure 13. The amino acid amides, shown with a grey background in Figure 12, consist of glutamine, asparagine, and arginine, representing 10 codons with a single-digit equivalent of 1 (i.e., 10 =>1+0 = 1), thus bracketing 9 on its 1 side in Figure 13.

The aliphatic amino acids have a significant above-average representation (relative to their representation within the Genetic Code) in proteins that convert chemical energy to physical strength (e.g., muscles) to sustain an organism's well-being by assisting in reproduction, sourcing food, and avoiding harm. On the other hand, the amino acid amides sustain an organism's well-being at the micro-level by serving as the primary organic carriers of the nitrogen involved in an organism's crucial nitrogen metabolism in conjunction with the acidic amino acids. Thus, both the aliphatic amino acids and amino acid amides “encompassingly unify” by sustaining the physical well-being of all organisms, as shown in Figure 13.

6 ‐ “integrative guidance”

The two groups in Figure 13 bracketing and emulating 6 in representing “integrative guidance” are the aromatic amino acids and the defining amino acids. The aromatic amino acids, shown with a brown background in Figure 12, consist of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan representing 5 codons, thus bracketing 6 on its 5 side in Figure 13. The defining amino acids, shown with a green background in Figure 12, consist of cysteine, histidine, and the STOP codon, representing 7 codons, thus bracketing 6 on its 7 side in Figure 13.

The aromatic amino acids play an underlying conceptual role in the management of an organism's growth by stimulating certain processes. These processes include photosynthesis for plants, biosynthesis to produce cells, metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, as well as neurotransmitter production. Moreover, if these growth processes are not optimally managed, they can result in common chronic conditions such as cancer, coronary disease, and mental illness. Also, because of this early-stage growth role, the aromatic amino acid group may be the first to experience the impact of genetic regression, which could subsequently lead to chronic conditions. Genetic regression in humans did occur as a result of interbreeding with Neanderthals.* Two of the most impacted gene sweeps were associated with metabolism and neurotransmitter-related activities and vulnerabilities. The third sweep involved bone development as well as the interconnecting tissues, which, as previously discussed, were supported by vitamin C as they aged.

*Modern humans experienced a genetic regression 50,000 to 80,000 years ago when they interbred with Neanderthals and their progeny survived after having been separated for 200,000 to 300,000 years. Although Neanderthals and modern humans interbred as early as 100,000 years ago, the progeny of such earlier interbreeding became extinct and is not part of our present-day ancestry. The first interbreeding involving Neanderthals where the progeny survived occurred as modern humans migrated from Africa and entered the Middle Eastern region, but before they migrated to other parts of the earth.

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Thus, virtually all modern humans have experienced this regressive gene flow (1-4% of our DNA), except for the direct ancestors of originating Africans who never interbred with modern humans carrying the regressive representation of Neanderthal DNA. As such, this regressive interbreeding could be viewed as a genetic equivalent of original sin for the modern human species. Subsequent interbreeding between Neanderthals and modern humans would not alter the above outcome but might influence its intensity. Also, since interbreeding with other archaic humans, such as the Denisovans, was much more limited, they are not broadly represented in our present-day DNA. For his expansive underlying discoveries in this area, Svante Paabo received the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine in October 2022.

The defining amino acids are involved in determining an organism's framework of interfaces, whether approached inwardly or outwardly. To the extent that a genetic regression compromises the role of the aromatic amino acids in managing an organism's growth, the defining amino acids may be commensurately challenged to define the appropriate interfaces to contain that growth. In other words, the conceptual growth and defining interface roles of the aromatic and defining amino acids should work together to provide “integrative guidance” for an organism.

One illustration involves the cysteine defining amino acid, which has an above-average representation (i.e., relative to its representation within the Genetic Code) in both keratin and interleukin proteins. Keratins play an important role in the ubiquitous epithelial and endothelial cells or tissue that make up the linings or interfaces of most organs (excluding the central nervous system). Likewise, interleukins mediate communication between cell interfaces, particularly in stimulating immune response. Vitamin A regulates the keratin gene expression and vitamin D influences interleukin gene expression. We note clinical investigations at the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago sponsored by the First Analysis Institute are currently addressing the synergy and safety of these two combined vitamins in treating diseases involving epithelial cells including cancers and other immune disorders. The ongoing results have been sufficiently encouraging to warrant publishing in four issues of Harvard's peer-review journal Functional Foods in Health and Disease (SEE: PUBLICATIONS Tab on this website). Also, the complicated, and not well understood, impact of Vitamin A on various neurological disorders is relevant, since too little or too much of it may be dysfunctional.

As noted in the previous section, the “encompassing unifier” role is best conveyed by the Genetic Code's 63 codons (i.e., 63 => 6 + 3 = 9), which specify for each protein in each organism. However, of these 63 codons, the three STOP codons define the end of the codon chain for each specific protein but do not represent an actual amino acid being attached to form a specific protein chain. Thus, only a total of 60 amino acid codons (i.e., 63 - 3 = 60) from the Genetic Code are designated to form specific protein molecules. These 60 amino acid codons (representing a single-digit equivalent of 6, i.e., 60 => 6+0 = 6) are made up of the six amino acid groups, shown in Figure 13, emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. This is consistent with our earlier discussion of the Hindu-Arabic numbering system, where 6 represents the “integrative guidance” through which the six non-triune digits (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 and 8) can emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” digits. If we place 6 at one of the three codon positions of Figure 12, it must “integratively” assume the left position as the complement to 3's right position, both of which are “encompassingly unified” by 9's central position.

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Having completed the Genetic Code's emulation of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, does the unusual specificity of the Genetic Code's representation of each of the nine digits (i.e.,1- 9) speak to the mystery of its scientific origin within the context of “Triune Consciousness”.

For further information on this subject, refer to “Identifying the Enneagram in the Genetic Code


We have already shown how the evolution of the three sets of elementary building blocks emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. There is also a second-level iteration consolidating these three sets that recursively emulates the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” as described below and illustrated in Figure 14, all of which reinforce the presence of “Triune Consciousness”.

  • Since the elementary building blocks of matter/energy “encompassingly” constitute and/or “unify” the entire physical universe, they primarily emulate the “encompassing unifier” in the consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying all the elementary building blocks.
  • Since the Genetic Code of life has “enabled” all living “interactivity” in the world we know, it primarily emulates the “interactive enabler” in this consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.
  • Since the elementary building blocks of the Hindu-Arabic numbering system provided the originating “integrative guidance” for how to emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, they in turn by definition must primarily emulate “integrative guidance” in the consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.

Figure 14. The Consolidated “3, 6, & 9 Triune” underlying Evolution's Elementary Building Blocks which reinforce the presence of “Triune Consciousness”

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The Genetic Code appeared around 4 billion years ago. The next broad phenomenon that emulates the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” began about 600 million years ago with the advent of neurons as the basic cellular functioning units of the nervous system for essentially all animals, culminating in humans.* Neurons have been designed to receive, integrate, and transmit electrochemical information. The dendrite branches of neurons “enable” the informational activity by serving as the “interactive” receiver and thus emulate the “interactive enabler” of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. The soma, or cell body, of neurons contains the nucleus and the cell processing structures, thereby “encompassing and unifying” the neurons' various functions. To complete the emulation of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, neurons transmit electrochemical “integrative guidance” through their axons to the dendrites of other neurons, as shown in Figure 15, bolstering the presence of “Triune Consciousness”.

Figure 15. “Triune Consciousness” underlying the Neuron

*Excluding placozoa and sponges

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Importantly, with the introduction of neurons the above emulation of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” becomes much more direct and accessible, possibly indicating an inflection point in the evolutionary process since this simplification tendency continues to be reflected in the following five phenomena.


The human brain can be divided into the hindbrain, limbic system, and neo-cortex, as illustrated in Figure 16.

  • The hindbrain emphasizes physical/moving capabilities.
  • The limbic system emphasizes feeling/emotion processing.
  • The neo-cortex emphasizes intellectual/thinking activities.

The evolutionary origin of the hindbrain was reptilian, whereas the origins of the limbic system and neo-cortex were mammalian.

Figure 16. Simplified Brain Categorization

Besides the areas of emphasis cited above, the hindbrain, limbic system, and neo-cortex also perform many overlapping functions.

In analogizing these three functional areas to the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, we note:

  • The “interactiveness” of feeling/emotion processing emphasized by the limbic system best emulates the “interactive enabler”

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  • The intellectual/thinking activities emphasized by the neo-cortex best emulates the “integrative guidance”.
  • The body's broadly encompassing physical/moving capabilities emphasized by the hindbrain best emulates the “encompassing unifier”, as shown in Figure 17, supporting presence of “Triune Consciousness”:

Figure 17. “Triune Consciousness” underlying the Human Brain


In simple terms, the arrangement of words and phrases to create sentences in language formation or syntax generation begins when two syntactic objects combine to form a new syntactic unit. In turn, the new syntactic unit can hierarchically combine with another syntactic unit as part of an endlessly recursive process. Linguist Noam Chomsky calls this process Merge. He claims it distinguishes language from other cognitive faculties and is unique to the modern human species (which would marginalize, if not exclude, the Neanderthals).

Merge involves three basic components that emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” as outlined below and illustrated in Figure 18.

  • One Merge component interfaces with our “interactive” sensory and motor aspects or sensorimotor systems. These involve all the various externally oriented morphological (i.e., word) and phonetical (i.e., sound) considerations. As such, this Merge component emulates the “interactive enabler” of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.
  • A second Merge component interfaces with the non-interactive and internally oriented systems, which involve conceptualizing, hierarchical “guiding”, and planning considerations, emulating “integrative guidance” of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.

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  • The Merge computational system hierarchically “encompasses” the above two interfaces in the basic compositional production of human language. This CPU function best emulates the “encompassing unifier”, as shown in Figure 1, furthering the presence of “Triune Consciousness”.

Figure 18. “Triune Consciousness” underlying Language Formation


Having shown above how neurons, the brain, and language formation emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, we note a second-level iteration consolidating these three triune sets also recursively emulates the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, as outlined below and illustrated in Figure 19, all of which reinforce the presence of “Triune Consciousness”.

  • Since neurons represent the basic cellular functioning units of our entire nervous system, which ultimately focuses on our brain, they best emulate the “encompassing unifier” in the consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the human mind.
  • Since language formation uniquely “enables” human “interactivity”, it best emulates the “interactive enabler” in the consolidated Triune.
  • Since the tripartite organization of the human brain into hindbrain, limbic system, and neo-cortex provides the basic “integrative guidance” to understanding both the physiology and psychology of the brain, it best emulates “integrative guidance”.

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Figure 19. The Consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the Human Mind which reinforces the presence of “Triune Consciousness”



The Personality Enneagram, which has attracted millions of worldwide users over the past several decades, organizes the human personality into three centers (Feeling, Thinking and Action), which are consistent with the brain's physiological centers discussed earlier. Each of these three centers incorporates three personality types, all of which are presented on a nine-point circle, with 3, 6 and 9 being the midpoints of the centers, as shown below in Figure 20. While our personality can draw from all nine types, one usually dominates.

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Figure 20. The Three Centers of the Personality Enneagram

The Personality Enneagram assumes all personality types are instinctively egocentric, resulting in a regressive or dysfunctional inclination that we can constantly work to overcome. In other words, our natural tendency is to dysfunctionally imitate rather than functionally emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. As such, the egocentric personality types remain relatively independent while the more altruistic personality types tend to converge toward the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. Indeed, a large service sector, consisting of thousands of counselors and a commensurate number of publications, has evolved to facilitate this remedial process. Since so much has been written on the Personality Enneagram, we only briefly summarized it here.

The three personality types of the Feeling Center address various aspects of “interactive” relationships and their respective purposes with its 3 circular mid-point characterizing the egocentric “recognized achiever” versus the more altruistic “interactive enabler”, as shown below in Figure 21.

The three personality types of the Thinking Center address various informational aspects (i.e., observing, conceiving, guiding, defining, and planning) with its 6 circular mid-point characterizing the egocentric, but loyal, “phobic rigid guidance” versus the more altruistic “integrative guidance”.

The three personality types of the Action Center address various aspects of physical well-being (i.e., producing, sharing criteria, protecting and accommodating) with its 9 circular mid-point characterizing the egocentric “anonymous accommodator” versus the more altruistic “encompassing unifier”.

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Figure 21. The Regressive Personality Imitating versus Emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” within the context of “Triune Consciousness”

This natural human tendency to dysfunctionally imitate, rather than functionally emulate, the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” raises a question: To what extent has regressive interbreeding with Neanderthals caused or influenced this tendency? While we discussed the immediate genetic impact of this regression above, the subsequent evolutionary magnification in our personality traits can be roughly approximated through personality assessments of those with varying degrees of Neanderthal representation in their DNA. Though not specifically oriented to the Personality Enneagram, such assessments indicate the higher Neanderthal representation can, to varying degrees, dysfunctionally influence the Enneagram's three personality centers—Feeling, Thinking, and Action. If such a tendency toward ego driven dysfunctionality is associated with higher levels of Neanderthal DNA, this may have contributed to the unusual exploitation by European descendants of early Africans who had essentially no Neanderthal DNA (see footnote on pages 18-19).


Another question is whether the three Abrahamic faith traditions—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—collectively emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. To some extent these traditions evolved to assist humanity in remediating regressive personality instincts, and evidence of such assistance emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” should be discoverable given these religions collectively represent well over half the world's population.

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To explore the original intent of the three Abrahamic faith traditions, we drew from the three sets (or cumulative books) of seminal sacred scriptures underlying them. We capture the essence or intent of each set in a single sentence below:

  • The Hebrew Bible most basically addresses the Abrahamic God's well-being for all creation.
  • The New Testament most basically addresses the Abrahamic God's redemptive love.
  • The Quran most basically addresses a belief in the Abrahamic God's revelation.

While the Hebrew Bible, New Testament, and Quran address all three topics (i.e., well- being, redemptive love, and revelational beliefs), each set relatively emphasizes one over the other two.

If the ultimate essence of each set of scriptures can collectively emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, the universality of the Abrahamic God's well-being for all creation would emulate the “encompassing unifier”, the Abrahamic God's redemptive love would be “interactively enabling”, and belief in the Abrahamic God's revelations would be providing “integrative guidance”, as shown below in Figure 22.

Figure 22. The “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying Tri-Abrahamic Remediation within the context of “Triune Consciousness”

Notably, the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying tri-Abrahamic remediation can also serve as a peacemaking model for constructive dialogue, both religious and secular, between adherents of these three faith traditions, as outlined in the introduction.

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As noted earlier in discussing the human brain and personality, we usually favor one of the three personality centers shown below in Figure 23 (i.e., action associated with the hindbrain, feeling associated with the limbic system, or thinking associated with the neo-cortex) over the other two.

Figure 23. The “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the Human Brain within the context of “Triune Consciousness”

To cope with the remedial stress and anxieties caused by the competition between our dysfunctional personality types and our functional ideals, the mystic George Gurdjieff strongly emphasized a meditative practice focusing on a unique area toward the back of our head where the hindbrain, limbic system, and neo-cortex overlap. By doing so, we can simultaneously converge all three personality centers to help emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” in constituting the whole self within the context of “Triune Consciousness”. This type of meditation focus can provide a gateway to a tranquil harbor in a sea of mental, emotional, and/or physical turbulence. We symbolize this process below in Figure 24 as a metaphorical eye looking into the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” of tranquility, which is superimposed on Figure 16's simplified brain categorization.

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Figure 24. Metaphorical Eye Looking into the Tranquility of “Triune Consciousness”

Identifying the “back of the head” for intense meditative focus can prove challenging, but evolution provided a crutch by endowing each of the three areas of the brain with varying degrees of audio processing. Thus, by meditatively focusing on a neutral background sound that does not favor one area's audio processing over the other two, we can learn to converge all three areas into an intense “3, 6 & 9 Triune” meditative focus. Resonating OM or AUM recordings by Hindu or Buddhist monks are among the best to develop this focus, but background sounds of nature (increasingly available on smartphone apps), air conditioning fans, city noises, etc. can also work. Non-neutral background sounds, like music, which favor the emotional-oriented limbic system over the other two centers, may not work. Also, audio processing enables one to feel, more than just visualize, the back-of-the-head triune focus. Maintaining a meditative focus is always challenging, somewhat like an extreme isometric exercise focused on the back of the head.

In addition to serving as a metaphorical eye into the tranquility of “Triune Consciousness”, meaningful new mental, emotional, and/or physical insights may surface. While such insights can be subtle and easily overlooked, their pursuit must never be allowed to replace or dilute the back-of-the-head triune focus, which would destroy the entire meditative process.

Determining which focal point is most effective in overcoming sleep problems is one way to establish the superiority of the back-of-the-head “3, 6 & 9 Triune” focus versus more conventional focal points for meditation. However, we should not allow the goal of overcoming a sleep problem to replace our back-of-the-head triune focus, which could undermine the meditative process. In other words, focus on the process, not the outcome.

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Another confirmatory test might involve stationary exercising when there are no external distractions. A back-of-the-head “3, 6 & 9 Triune” focus while exercising can improve performance metrics, but only if the exerciser holds this focus. This could be particularly synergistic since both physical exercise and meditation can positively impact neurotransmitter activity.

The inevitable question, then, is whether this back-of-the-head focus can improve upon other meditative approaches to access the mystical for enlightenment? This would imply that the unique “3, 6 & 9 Triune” convergence of the physical, emotional, and intellectual toward the back of the head has a mystical counterpart. Such an outcome is supported by the level of importance and longevity (several thousand years) of the AUM chanting mantra and symbol in the meditation of Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs and Jains which together represent 20-25% of the world's population.

Specifically in regard to the Hindu tradition, the universal AUM chant is made up of three distinct sound components: Aa, Uu and Mm which in turn represents the divine Trimurti, namely, Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma, respectively. When this Trimurti is expressed in terms of the "3, 6 & 9 Triune":

  • Vishnu, as the preserver of the universe and cosmos, could be viewed as the "interactive enabler" at the Triune's 3 position.
  • Brahma, as the creator of the universe, could be viewed as the source of "integrative guidance" at the Triune's 6 position.
  • Shiva, as the destroyer leading to rejuvenation, could be viewed as the "encompassing unifier" at the Triune's 9 position.

The Trimurti expressed within the context of “Triune Consciousness”


Having shown above how the regressive personality, the tri-Abrahamic remediation, and the meditative unifier emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, we found a second-level iteration consolidating these three sets that recursively emulates the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, all of which reinforce the presence of “Triune Consciousness”. We outlined this below and subsequently illustrate it in Figure 25.

  • Since the regressive personality represents humanity's interface to the world, it best emulates the “interactive enabler” in the consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the human personality.
  • Since tri-Abrahamic remediation represents “integrative” remedial “guidance”, it best emulates “integrative guidance”.

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  • In deference to Gurdjieff's strong warning not to substitute “mind” observation for the “whole self” observation, the meditative unifier best emulates the “encompassing unifier” in bridging the gulf of stressful tension between the regressive personality and the tri-Abrahamic remediation, as shown in the consolidated triune presentation below.

The extended Hindu/Buddhist chanting meditative tradition and the tri-Abrahamic remedial tradition encompass about three-quarters of the world's population. Additionally, the explosion in meditation apps for mobile devices is rapidly expanding the number of serious meditators.

Figure 25. The Consolidated “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the Human Personality which reinforce the presence of “Triune Consciousness”


The ultimate or grand culmination of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” can be recursively produced by a third-level iteration uniting the three earlier consolidations of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the elementary building blocks, the human mind, and the human personality (from Figures 14, 19 and 24), as shown below in Figure 26.

Given the universality of the elementary building blocks, they are analogized to the “encompassing unifier”. Given the “interactively enabling” role of the modern human, as evolution's most advanced species, its mind is accordingly so labeled. Given the intended role of the human personality to provide “integrative guidance”, it is also so labeled to complete the culmination of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”.

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Figure 26. The Grand Culmination of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying the elementary building blocks, the human mind and the human personality, all of which bolster the presence of “Triune Consciousness”

Figure 26 can also be presented as the culminating “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying all twelve emulations of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” representing the entire evolutionary scenario, as shown below in Figure 27.

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Figure 27. The “3, 6 & 9 Triune” underlying Evolution's Grand Culmination and thereby broadly integrating “Triune Consciousness”

Since the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” is based on 3, it must be limited to the three sets of three basic phenomena recursively emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, as presented in Figure 27, thereby completing the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” paradigm.

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To address the ultimate simplification of the mechanism underlying the "3, 6 & 9 Triune", "integrative guidance" could be viewed as having a basic information orientation, "interactive enabler" as an enabling exchange between two or more entities, and "encompassing unifier" as the potential impact from unifying the above two. This simplified mechanism could represent virtually unlimited applications on a non-evolutionary scale. In this regard, FAI explores sponsoring and organizing educational applications to empower socially disadvantaged groups.

The first such effort focuses on capacity building of Indigenous Peoples, beginning with the Cofán of Amazonian Ecuador, to help them strengthen their individual and collective capacity to protect their culture and territory. This challenge takes on global urgency since Indigenous Peoples are stewards to over 70% of the world's natural areas, representing one of the largest carbon sinks in dealing with climate change. FAI provides for integrative guidance, including the mandatory training to get canoe driving licenses, as well as the Indigenous Park Guard training course on how to use drones, Geographic Information Systems, and other tools and skills to patrol their territory against illegal mining, poaching, and deforestation. Further, this integrative guidance extends to developing a student curriculum by and for Cofán people on essential skills such as plant and food knowledge, which involves interviewing Cofán community members, by community members, on essential knowledge and then organizing it into learning plans. All of these educational programs are interactively shared among the Cofán community to favorably impact their viability. It is hoped that other indigenous communities and the Ministry of Education will adapt and build on this curriculum thereby being an "encompassing unifier".

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The support of the following people has been invaluable in sustaining FAI's development efforts.

Board of Directors: Jerry Wagner, Sarah Linsley, Claire Nicklin and David Jaglowski

Website Development: Steven Czarnecki, David Kerstein, Andrew Morwaski, as well as Dan and Aiden Smereczynski

Administrative Support: Riaad Khan

On a personal note, an inflecting affirmation of the 30+ years of analysis leading up to this publication occurred in the chilly Chicago spring of 2019. A duct tape patch covering a cut in the liner of my parka disappeared, resulting in several days of leaking insulation. Much to my surprise, when I attempted to repatch the cut, the original patch had mysteriously, and exactly, been restored. The affirming message was in the shape and positioning of the patch. The duct tape patch had always formed a stubby, lazy “T” laying on its side, with the top of the “T” being vertical and its short shank horizontal. Accordingly, when the jacket is closed, the end of the horizontal shank points to my heart (i.e., feeling center) while the ends of the vertical top point to my head (i.e., thinking center) and viscera (i.e., action center), which respectively emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune" as explained on page 26. Also, the facilitating role of the parka in overcoming a hostile weather environment could be analogized to the role played by the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” in overcoming a hostile environment favoring disorder. Moreover, in losing and then restoring the patch, the parka regressed and then remediated its protective integrity analogous to the way in which the role of emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” waxes and wanes. In summary, this restoration of the same patch to ensure the protective integrity of the parka reaffirmed the primary role of the "3, 6 & 9 Triune" and served to inspire this publication.


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Identifying the naturally occurring numerical constants that characterize the emulation of the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” and thus “Triune Consciousness”

To begin this process, we return to Figure 8 and numerically label the six non-triune digits (i.e., 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 & 8) as they converge onto and emulate the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” by expressing them in terms of the simplest possible numerical representation, which happens to be the 1/7th fraction. In other words, the decimal equivalent of the 1/7th fraction, or the endlessly repeating decimal consisting of the six non-triune digits (i.e., 0.142857142857....), can be graphically expressed as and thus referred to as the 1/7th configuration. When superimposed on Figure 8, this 1/7th configuration also can be viewed as converging onto and emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”, which collectively is often referred to as the enneagram schematic (shown in Figure 28 below). However, to proceed further in numerically characterizing this emulation process, the “3, 6 & 9 Triune” label needs to be simplified to be comparable to the 1/7th configuration label. Since 3 is the underlying factor for 3, 6 & 9 (i.e., 3 = 3, 6 = 3+3 & 9 = 32), the triune label can be reduced to the 3 triangle label, which allows both labels to incorporate only a single numerical entity (i.e., 3 and 1/7th), as shown in Figure 28

Figure 28. The 1/7th configuration emulating the 3 triangle in the Hindu-Arabic numbering system

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Figure 28 identifies three different approaches for the 1/7th configuration to emulate the 3 triangle: through integrative guidance, as an interactive enabler, and as an encompassing unifier. To the extent that these emulation approaches are drawn from the four types of arithmetic relationships (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), addition can best portray “integrative guidance”. Since providing guidance does not require the relating entities to interactively impact one another, addition best qualifies because it essentially only involves regrouping the relating numerical entities. In other words, of the four arithmetic categories, addition is the least interactive in impacting the identity of the numerical entities being related, and you can most easily visualize the answer (i.e., achieve “integrative guidance”) without impacting the identity of the relating entities.

Proceeding on this basis, the “integrative guidance” approach is represented by adding the six non-triune digits of the 1/7th configuration to the three triune digits of the 3 triangle to form the nine-digit circularity of the enneagram, which can thus be labeled as 1/7th + 3, or 3 17th. However, given that this is a transitional process, 3 17th must be approached as an upper limit (i.e., <3 17th). Moreover, since the naturally occurring numerical constant of “circularity” π (i.e., the non-repeating and non-terminating decimal 3.1415926....) is 99.96% of 3 17th, π can be substituted for the <3 17th label to convey the enneagram's circular guidance, as shown below in Figure 29.

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Figure 29. Incorporating the numerical constants characterizing the 1/7th configuration emulating the 3 triangle in the Hindu-Arabic numbering system

If addition is the least interactive of the four types of arithmetic relationships, division is the most interactive. Here, the answer depends not only on the direction of the division relationship between the entities involved, but also on changing the mathematical identity of at least one of the relating entities to yield an answer. Accordingly, the “interactive enabling” approach is portrayed by dividing the 1/7th configuration into the 3 triangle. This can thus be labeled as 3 divided by 1/7th to yield 21, which then has a single-digit equivalent of 3 (i.e., 21 => 2 + 1 = 3). Again, since this is a transitional process, 3 must be approached as an upper limit (i.e., <3), which is associated with the “interactive enabler” shown in Figure 29. Calibrating the <3 label to its naturally occurring counterpart will be discussed below.

Since the third approach of “encompassing unification” must encompass the mathematical totality of both the non-interactive and interactive emulations described above, it utilizes a non-arithmetic graphical or physical convergence of the 1/7th configuration onto the 3 triangle, as follows:

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Since the graphically or physically derived 137 (shown above) is not an arithmetically derived multi-digit number based on increments of 10, it cannot be reduced to a single-digit equivalent. Also, unlike the other two transitional processes, 137 must be approached as a lower limit (i.e., >137) reflecting the inwardly directed encompassing process. Accordingly, the >137 label as shown in Figure 29 is associated with the “encompassing unifier”.

Providing an important source of affirmation, Figure 29 schematically differentiates between the non-arithmetic "encompassing unifier" approach to emulation and the arithmetic "integrative guidance" and "interactive enabler" approaches to emulation. Specifically, in the non-arithmetic approach points 8 and 1 of the 1/7th configuration do not directly connect in emulating point 9 of the 3 triangle. On the other hand, in the arithmetic approaches points 4 and 2, as well as points 7 and 5, of the 1/7th configuration do indeed directly connect in emulating points 3 and 6, respectively, of the 3 triangle.

Moving on to establish the naturally occurring numerical counterpart to >137, as well as <3, we turn to Figure 30 (a restated version of Figure 11), which presents

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the three pairs of elementary building blocks of matter/energy emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”. Figure 30 also includes the above-derived numerical labels as well as what will be shown below to be their naturally occurring numerical counterparts.

Figure 30. The three pairs of elementary building blocks of matter/energy emulating the “3, 6 & 9 Triune”

Given that the >137 label was shown in Figure 29 to be associated with the “encompassing unifier” in the Hindu-Arabic numbering model, we look for its naturally occurring numerical counterpart to be associated with quarks and leptons, since they represent the “encompassing unifier” in the model for the elementary building blocks of matter/energy shown in Figure 30. The only possible candidate that could fulfill this role is the denominator of the dimensionless fine structure constant “α”, or 1/137.035999.... (i.e., 100.026 % of 137), which is a measure of the coupling strength of the electromagnetic relationship between all the charged particles represented by the quarks and leptons throughout the universe. The importance of the fine structure constant in characterizing the

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“encompassing unifier” may have been best expressed by Richard Feynman, one of the most important pioneers in particle physics, in 1985 in his book QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter.

“It has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. Immediately you would like to know where this number for a coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say the “Hand of God” wrote that number, and “we don't know how he pushed his pencil.” We know what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out, without putting it in secretly!”

Turning to the <3 label, given that it was shown above in Figure 29 to be associated with the “interactive enabler” in the Hindu-Arabic numbering model, we look for its naturally occurring numerical counterpart to be associated with gravity and the electromagnetic force since they represent the “interactive enabler” in the model for the elementary building blocks of matter/energy shown in Figure 30. The only candidate that could possibly fulfill this role for both gravitational waves and electromagnetic waves is their common wave particle velocity. This is 2.99792458.... X 108 meters/second, or 99.93% of 3, and is commonly referred to as the speed of light in a vacuum, labeled as “c” in Figure 30.

From a single-digit equivalency standpoint, it doesn't matter whether we begin with 3 or 3 X 108 since they both equate to 3 as the single-digit equivalent before imposing the “less than” indication (i.e., <3). However, the inclusion of the space and time dimensional components of meters per second implies that these dimensional units can be assigned the same universality enjoyed by the dimensionless Hindu-Arabic numbering system. Beginning with the “second”, it was derived as the most basic unit of time underlying all the direct and indirect circular motions associated with the earth. The “meter” was then derived from the length of a pendulum that had a half-beat of one second. Since altitude variances created inconsistencies, the meter was subsequently refined so that 1 X 107 meters equated to 1/4th of the earth's circumference when measured from the North Pole.* However, due to measurement limitations at the time, the meter has been overstated by 0.02% relative to the earth's actual circumference. If this overstatement is corrected, the speed of light would be 99.95%, not the above 99.93, of 3 on a single-digit equivalent basis. Fittingly, the speed of light constant (c) uniquely characterizes the interaction of space and time. Thus, if we accept “c” as the naturally occurring numerical substitute for the <3 label, we are assigning earth-based dimensional units the same universality as the abstract

*Having tied the calibration of the second and meter to the earth's surface, we also note that the other key metric (i.e., the kilogram) can represent the mass of one cubic centimeter of water, the most plentiful substances on the earth's surface.

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Hindu-Arabic numbering system, which would have wide-ranging implications regarding the uniqueness of earth's evolution within the overall evolution of the universe.

Returning to, the π constant that was shown to characterize the circularity underlying the “integrative guidance” in the Hindu-Arabic numbering model in Figure 29, we now look for a similar role for the strong and weak nuclear forces given their association with “integrative guidance” in the model for the elementary building blocks of matter/energy shown in Figure 30. As we saw in the earlier matter/energy discussion, the micro-centers of the universe's circularity begin with quarks bounded by the strong nuclear force, which in turn can be disrupted and transformed by the weak nuclear force interacting with quarks. Also, regarding the universe's macro-circularity, it was shown that the weak force plays a role in counterbalancing the gravitationally induced collapse of a star, causing it to explode and be disruptively redefined as a supernova star. Given these “integrative guidance” roles underlying the universe's circularity, we accepted π as the naturally occurring numerical substitute for the <3 17th label in Figure 30.

To complete this discussion, α, as the encompassing unifier incorporates π and c into its defining formula along with three other somewhat more esoteric physical constants. However, the physical dimensions associated with c and the other constants all cancel out so that α is dimensionless.

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